Diseases Affecting Feet FAQs

Q) What are some diet tips for someone with arthritis?

A) Arthritis is inflammation in your joints, and there are numerous food choices that can counteract this and either reduce your pain or prevent flare-ups from occurring. One tip is to consume 3 grams of Omega 3 fatty acids a day. This can come from fish oil supplements or from a food such as salmon. Ensure that your diet is rich in vegetables (4-5 servings a day) and fruits (3-4 servings a day). Aim for 5-7 servings of healthy fats a day—examples would include olive oil, nuts and avocados. Limit the amount of fast food and processed food you eat and drink several glasses of water every day.

If you have joint pain in your feet, we can provide the treatment you need to ease your discomfort. Call our office at (518) 273-0053 to make an appointment with Dr. Tejas Pandya.

Q) What should I avoid eating if I have arthritis?

A) One of the most important factors in avoiding joint pain flare-ups is maintaining an appropriate diet for arthritis, but it is often overlooked. There are several foods that have been found to have anti-inflammatory properties, while others may work in the opposite way and trigger inflammation. Generally, you want to consume at least 64 oz of water a day and aim for as much of a variety of fresh food as possible, minimizing processed and fast food. Avoid high amounts of sugar and refined carbohydrates, which includes candy, white-flour baked goods, sodas, and other sugary drinks. Some have problems with dairy, so it may help to get your protein from other sources such as nut butters, tofu, spinach, beans, and quinoa. Excessive salt, alcohol, and tobacco can also cause an arthritic flare up.

Please contact Dr. Tejas Pandya should you need help managing your foot or ankle arthritis. Call our office at (518) 273-0053 for an appointment today.


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