You wouldn’t run a marathon without training for it (at least we hope not)! Neither would you have a wedding without booking the hall and ordering a cake first (traditionally, anyway). Sometimes to ensure the best possible outcome, preparation is key. That’s true for more than just running races, and getting married, it’s also true for foot surgeries!

A smooth and problem-free recovery from foot surgery starts before the procedure even begins. You’ll need to arrange time off work as well as a ride to and from your surgery. Making meals and freezing them prior to your procedure can be helpful and convenient, too. It’s a good idea to prepare your home with a comfy spot where you can put your foot up and rest. Make sure everything you need is within reach, like the TV remote, phone, medications, books, snacks, pillows, and anything else you might need or enjoy.

Remove rugs and de-clutter the bathroom to make it easier on yourself to move around. It’s important to ask questions up front, as well as any you come up with following the surgery. Plan on having to stay off your feet and using crutches, a wheelchair, or scooter –go ahead and practice these beforehand so you are comfortable using them when the time comes. Also, schedule your follow up visits and mark your calendar. These are essential for making sure your recovery from foot surgery is moving along smoothly and without any issues.

Total recovery time will vary depending on the severity of your condition, your age and health, and the type of foot surgery you undergo, but this will be discussed prior to the procedure so you will know what to expect. No matter what, you will need to keep your foot and dressings clean and dry and follow care instructions closely. Don’t rush it! Give your body the time it needs to heal and when you do get the doctor’s go ahead, a gradual return to activity and normal footwear is highly recommended.

If you prepare for your procedure, and follow these tips, recovering from foot surgery should go smoothly. Call us with questions by dialing (518) 273-0053 to reach our Clifton Park and Troy, NY offices. We’ll be here for you every step of the way!

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steps to recovery after foot surgery
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